youth blast

january 17-18 • union city, tennessee

Connect Juniors (6th - 8th Grades) & Connect High (9th - 12th Grades).
Youth Blast - Speaker Rev. Taylor Fish
Friday, January 17
First Pentecostal Church of Union City (Pastor Uzzle)
$100 + Spending $ - Covers Transportation, Hotel, & After Event. Free breakfast is available at the hotel.

For questions concerning youth trip rules and requirements, please contact Bro. Jared or Sis. Caitlin Matlock or Bro. Ashland or Sis. Madeline Bourn

Text PAYYOUTH to 501-436-4017 or CashApp $fpcnlr (be sure to put YOUTH TRIP in the notes).

Please send a screenshot of payment to your youth leaders.